It's been a busy few weeks and I've been juggling work, housework (!) and interests which has lead to me neglecting my blog and I must admit, I half expected everyone to have deserted but you didn't! In fact - there are loads more of you so hello! Grab yourself a cuppa, make yourself comfortable and I'll bring you up to date.
Mostly the past month has been about making scrap books. I've nearly completed one about our recent trip to Morocco in these fabby hot colours which I rarely use so it was nice to drag myself away from my usual blues and greens and explore something so vibrant.
And a couple of inside views....still got some work to do.
These look like loads of slippers but they're magnets. When we were trying to make sense of the maze of Medina streets we nicknamed places Magnet Corner or Carpet Alley to help find our way around. Didn't work.
And having spent some time with hot colours, I wandered back to the soft shades and made the shabby, demin and lace inspired book below. This isn't for anything in particular but when I've got a shabby, lacey, denimy theme it will be perfect :)
And once again - you guessed - more of those flowers made with the papers used for the pages. I just love these, you can make them as pretty or as grungey as you like.
Other activities have included trying to be better at my German studies. (Fail)
And trying to learn how to use this camera. That's going to take some time. There's sooooo many buttons :( But regular readers of this blog know how much I love photography and that I take pics of everything. Upgrading to this is a challenge but once I am more confident about it (and have developed bigger muscles to lug it about) I hope to share the results!