The buds are swelling, the birds are tweeting and the daisies are
popping up all through the grass. The
lawnmower has been dusted off and is in use once a week and everyone is
visiting garden centers. It’s spring in
the village!
After the dark gloom of
winter we are now enjoying longer days and some sunshine.
thrown some seeds in pots and am using the window of the shed as a mock
greenhouse to bring them on. If my plan
works, we’ll have french beans, broad beans, sweet peas, cucamelons, garlic,
mint, parsley, sunflowers and lobelia all over the place.
We’ve added a blueberry bush and a small
olive tree to our collection too. The
great thing about not knowing what you’re doing gardening-wise is you try anything! If the plant sulks or dies, you just don’t do
whatever it was that you did again.
In our
orchard (of exactly two apple trees and one cherry tree), the blossom is just
waiting to burst out and make us smile.
Last year we had 2 apples. This year
we’re hoping for a bumper harvest of 3 apples.
And now just look at all the colours zinging into life
around us! The blue splash of forget me nots spreads further each year.
We're training honeysuckle to climb up the shed partly to hide it a bit and partly so we can overdose on it's amazing scent as we work in the garden.
Our narrow lanes which have
been bordered by bare stone walls for ages are filling up with limey green,
fresh nettles, pink things and white things.
The tree opposite us acts as our seasonal barometer and to see it gradually turn from sombre brown to vivid green is very cheery.

In the sunshine everything looks fresh and clean.
The valley invites evening walks and this is the place we come owl spotting. There are a couple of Little Owls living in a barn nearby and we've heard a Screech Owl although we've not had sight of it yet.
In a couple of weeks we'll need to kick our way through the nettles which will invade this path but for now it is full of promise for the summer ahead and when the sun shines, it's nice to fantasise that it always will....
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