Sunday, 8 November 2015

Quick projects

This week has been filled with quick little evening projects I can sneak in between puppy sofa snoozes. I've had to nip upstairs to the attic craft room where there is a spotlight and spare glasses etc which make mini things easier to work on. Until now. I've taken delivery of a sofa side magnifying lamp which promises to bring joy to my crafting life and let me stay in the living room with other people and watch TV with them and generally be more sociable and less of a crafting leper. Anyway...remember this from the weekend?
It turned into this...
It measures about 1.5 inches but I have enbiggened it you can see. I'm not impressed with my colour choices and I don't think the silver French knots show well against the steel grey so next time I'll change that. Otherwise it was nice and easy to do and can be added to an embroidery hoop or used as the topper on a stuffed heart shape. (That's another idea in my head....)
Here's some other stuff I've been playing with...I love appliqué and machine sewing so I'll be making a few of these with different Christmas themes.
Here's one that's finished. And now it's been given (as a belated birthday present, oops) to the person it was made for, I can post this :)

1 comment:

  1. Dye the mesh background .. make the snowflake stand out better?
